Michael A. Russ - TinTones - art based on photography

From the beginning Michael Russ was inspired by his special affinity to motion pictures. Ever since his training in dance and theatre the medium film had become the center of his creative aspirations. He devolved the sequential aspects of moving pictures to his photography. His photos were not simply to be a copy of an image, but rather a metaphor for a story...
Eroticism, beauty and the allure of the female body, subtly and sometimes provocatively composed is the intended subject matter of his photography. Soon Michael displayed a very personal, distinctive style. Grainy black and white images, chemically toned, as though they come off the silver screen, became characteristic for his work... read more
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He collaborated among others with Esquire, GQ, Art Direction Magazin, Cosmopolitan, Playboy Press books and contributed "Sujets de Chambre" to Vogue Hommes. Aside from working as a consultant on various film projects, he focused on developing his TinTone processes which would henceforth reflect his style of handcolored, tinted one of a kind, silver gelatin prints...
In 1983 Michael's "Prussian Blue" exhibit at the China Club caught Tom Waits's attention and he commissioned him to create his Island label record cover "Swordfishtrombones" in the TinTone style. Michael was also the associate director and choreographer on the music video to the song
"In the Neighbourhood" from that album for MTV...read more about the
artist's background >>
Nella Villa di TAMARA at American Legion L.A.
Michael A. Russ' AluDiBond/Silver TinTones at the Browse Foto Festival' Berlin 2013
ROUGH PRINT the studio - twohundredandseventyonesecondsofyourlife
Impressum: Michael A. Russ
michael@tintones.com +4917672468738 © 2014 Michael A. Russ TinTone Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved